Baby Names

Would Allie work as a nn for Natalie?

I'm not talking formal nickname that she would always/only go by, but just a quick nn like I call DD Ky often (Kylie).

I hate the nn Natti/y and don't particularly like Nat either. So I was just thinking about it and thought Tali, which lead to Allie which was actually one of our favorite names for a while! Thoughts?

Any other nns for Natalie other then those mentioned above?

CP 3/07
BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
BFP 11/14

Re: Would Allie work as a nn for Natalie?

  • Makes sense to me, especially if it's a family/around the house nn.

    Other ideas are Lia (Lee-ah) or Tia, but I like Allie the best.

  • I guess Allie could work, although have never heard it as a nn for Natalie.

    What about Lee/Leigh? (Of course, not suggesting the spelling of Natalie be altered accordingly)

    ETA: ed'd for clarity

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  • Just Lee might be kind of cute, too, especially if it's just something you would say and not write out.

    I love Allie, and it could maybe work, but if I heard you saying it, Natalie wouldn't be the first (or second) name that came to mind for me.  I love Natalie, although DH has vetoed it.  If you like Allie a lot, do you like any of the longer versions?  (Allison/Alexandra?)

  • Are you set on Natalie as a name? Because people WILL shorten it to Nat/Natty and if you hate it now, you will hate it tons more after she's here.

    another nn choice could be Talia ... (TAL-ya)

  • Sure, it works for me.
  • imagejenerally:

    Are you set on Natalie as a name? Because people WILL shorten it to Nat/Natty and if you hate it now, you will hate it tons more after she's here.

    another nn choice could be Talia ... (TAL-ya)

    I disagree completely. People MIGHT shorten it just like a quick, "Is Nat around?" But I've had the name Natalie for 30 years and I've never really been called a nickname, the way my brother David is Dave, or the way a Matthew might go by Matt.

    Natalie is one of those names that doesn't have an automatic nickname. It's not like naming your child Rebecca and then trying to keep people from calling her Becky or Becca. It's more like name your child Lydia and yeah, some people will call her "Lyd" but it won't be a nickname that's ever written on their paper in class, etc.

    I'm called "Nat" only by close friends and only the way I call my sister-in-law Lauren "Laur," not a true nickname but a very casual pronunciation saver when you are in a hurry.

    That said, I think Allie could work but is not necessary. The only Natalies I know go by just "Natalie." 

  • Really you can call your kid any nn you want even if its not their name. But I've never heard it as a nn for Natalie, if Allie is what you want your child called most of the time I would go with a name its a common nn for like Allison, Alicia, Alexandra etc.
  • My daughter is Natalie.  She's introduced as 'Natalie' and nothing else.  The only time we call her something different is if we are talking directly to her, such as "Nat, get your shoes."  We will sometimes call her Natty also, but neither are true nicknames in the sense that that is what everyone calls her.   I personally think its hard to carry a nickname when it is not built on the first syllable of the name....DS is Ben (Benjamin), DH is  Jay (Jason), my dad is called Gar (Gary), etc., unless it is a very common NN (Becky for Rebecca, Liz for Elizabeth, etc).  If you introduce her as Natalie, then call her Alli, I think it will take the average person a minute to put the two together. 
  • I think it would be quite a stretch. I love Natalie, and  Natalia a lot too. I also see nothing wrong with Nat, but also would not call someone that unless they wanted to be called that. I have a good friend Natalie and I never called her Nat until she signed an email that way and I figured "ok, now we are close enough, she wants me to call her by her nn".
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  • i don't see it as something that would ever come out naturally as a quick nickname, it even has a different sound than natalie does-  i think it would have to be something you thought about to call her, and would be odd.  but if it works for you, it works!
    EDD with #4  01-20-14
    Proud mama to a boys-  6/17/09 - a girl 2/23/11- and a boy 8/20/12

  • Even if you don't push for people to call her Nat or whatever, she might take a liking to being Nat or Natty or whatever. Then what?

    I've known a couple girls named Natalie, one of them Nat the other goes by lee for friends. I actually knew "lee" for a few months before I found out her real name was Natalie.

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  • imagewheelenl:

    Are you set on Natalie as a name? Because people WILL shorten it to Nat/Natty and if you hate it now, you will hate it tons more after she's here.

    another nn choice could be Talia ... (TAL-ya)

    I disagree completely. People MIGHT shorten it just like a quick, "Is Nat around?" But I've had the name Natalie for 30 years and I've never really been called a nickname, the way my brother David is Dave, or the way a Matthew might go by Matt.

    Natalie is one of those names that doesn't have an automatic nickname. It's not like naming your child Rebecca and then trying to keep people from calling her Becky or Becca. It's more like name your child Lydia and yeah, some people will call her "Lyd" but it won't be a nickname that's ever written on their paper in class, etc.

    I'm called "Nat" only by close friends and only the way I call my sister-in-law Lauren "Laur," not a true nickname but a very casual pronunciation saver when you are in a hurry.

    That said, I think Allie could work but is not necessary. The only Natalies I know go by just "Natalie."?

    I agree with all of this. I have a friend named Natalie and everyone calls her Natalie.?

  • Thanks everyone! I think we're actually not going to go w/ the name now.. nothing to do with this, we're just really discussing it and narrowing it down even more (Natalie is in our top 4 and I think we're down to 2 now, but you never know!).

    Like I said though, it wouldn't be anything formal that she would always go by.. just a quick nn like pp mentioned Lyd for Lydia or like our DD gets called Ky but it's Kylie and it's not like she's just "Ky".. if that makes sense. But I do agree w/ pp who said it's easier w/ the first sound and you're right, Nat is more natural as what she'd probably get called. Anyway, maybe we'll come back to the name, maybe not. We'll see :)

    CP 3/07
    BFP 5/07 - Kylie born 2/08.       BPF 2/09 - Alexandra born 10/09.
    TTC since 8/13 - diagnosed difficulty conceiving due to LP defect. Took vitamin B and Vitex Berry to help lengthen.
    BFP 2/14 - Missed M/C found at 8.5 weeks. D&C at 9w2d. Partial Molar Pregnancy.
    BFP 11/14
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