
"Mommy I want to go with you"

Ugh, so this is DH's 1st week being a SAHD.  No biggie, I'm adjusting.  DD and DH are getting closer which is great but (and I know this is selfish) I hate that she isn't mommy's girl as much lately.  Sometimes, she's even prefered DH to be with her or to sit with him instead of me.  I know it's not a contest and like I said I think it's great but it just makes me a little sad.

Anyway, this morning as I'm leaving for work she says "Mommy, I want to go with you".  No tears, no antics, just keeps repeating these words.  Ugh, I wanted to cry and just hang out with her today, or as she requested take her with me.

I can't wait to get home today.

Re: "Mommy I want to go with you"

  • I'm sorry!

    I got up an hour early this morning just so that I could get out the door before my daughter would be up.  She stays home with daddy on Fridays, and I couldn't bear the thought of her standing the top of the steps crying because I was leaving.  So I came early.

    The good news for's Friday!  So we can spend the weekend at home; right? Smile

  • I know, I'm so glad it's Friday.  We have a fun weekend planned.  Lots of Mommy and me time.
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