my ds does this all the time, and he SCREAMS! I just let him do it b/c I don't think there is anything you can really do to stop them. I think most people reallt wouldn't care (and probably think it's cute), so there's no need to be embarrassed.
Nothing...and I hate to tell you, but it is not going to end anytime soon. ?Lily drops it and picks it back up ever couple of months. ?She just started back up again last week and does it everywhere- grocery store, restaurants, the waiting room at the doctors office this morning.
I have tried to shush her and have told her no no when it got to the point that it was wearing on my nerves, but she just laughs and does it more, so now I just ignore her and try to grin and bear it. ?
LOL my DD went through that phase too and she also did it in public but most people could tell she was play screaming, a lot of people were cracking up at her, and commenting on what a happy baby she was.
Re: almost 6 month old screaming...
Nothing...and I hate to tell you, but it is not going to end anytime soon. ?Lily drops it and picks it back up ever couple of months. ?She just started back up again last week and does it everywhere- grocery store, restaurants, the waiting room at the doctors office this morning.
I have tried to shush her and have told her no no when it got to the point that it was wearing on my nerves, but she just laughs and does it more, so now I just ignore her and try to grin and bear it.