Babies: 9 - 12 Months

When for "real" food not just table food?

DD was a champion eater as far as table food goes. Now she won't eat veggies unless they are pureed. Even purees are a no go if we are eating with her. She wants the exact same thing we are eating. Which is ok for breakfast, but lunch and supper aren't always baby proofed meals. Any suggestions? TIA

Re: When for "real" food not just table food?

  • We've been giving DS "real" food since about 8 months.  I don't use salt and he's allergic to dairy/soy- so at least I eat according to his diet and then he can have food off my plate.  Sometimes it's the only way he'll eat (off my plate that is)... I just make sure I cut it small enough for him and nothing too spicy...
    DS 06.26.08 DD 10.23.10
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