I barely understand Facebook. I REALLY dont get tweeting or twittering. I take this as a sign that my age has now surpassed my ability to keep up with technology.
I do, I have no idea why though.. coming up with something clever for my facebook status page is hardship enough. At least i have them integrated so if I post a new tweet or blog post it updates my FB status.
I have an account, but I dont really have anything to tweet. I just joined when I heard Laurie Berkner (a children's musician) promoted her tweeting. I thuoght I could get more info on her so I joined. When I am bored I read other people's tweets, but it's pretty boring.
Re: Does anyone tweet?
Emily 8.8.08
Madeline 1.2.11
William 8.5.12
How do I find you on twitter? I need to learn how to sync it w/ Facebook.