Babies: 9 - 12 Months

what should we do? Need opinions ASAP!!

we just got the call that we got into the daycare we wanted to. we love this place- BUT we werent supposed to. they said it would be a 1.5 year wait list, but because so many people want to wait for the next enrollment, they just started going down the list...i know they arent making it up- i just came back from visiting them again and they showed me the list. its legit. they said this NEVER happens.

Dillema is that DD has fully adjusted to the in-home daycare she goes to now. She gets super duper attention and they have put her in a quiter place for naps. this place has been great for now- but i want her in this center when she is a toddler. this woman lets the kids free play all day and there is no structure and the kids dont seem to learning much. this daycare center is awesome, highly rated and DD would learn so much, but they can not gaurantee a spot like this would open up when she is 16 months (for toddler room).

I am so confused what to do. I love it, but it would a HUGE adjustment for DD. The infant room when we first saw it was quiter and the lights were out over the cribs to accomdate naps. well today, it was SUPER loud and all the lights were on an no baby was napping. i asked the lady- what gives, because its actually DD's nap time as we speak and there is no way in hell she could nap through all this. She blew it off & said babies adjust and when they are tired, they will nap. this sort of bothered now i am all sorts of confused.

should i keep her where she is and take a chance and keep her on the wait list for the toddler room or do we go for it??

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: what should we do? Need opinions ASAP!!

  • I'm not a in home day care type... so my vote would be to move her while the space is available.



  • I dunno, I think the babies do adjust. While they have quiet time and low lights sometimes for naps, I know my LO still naps at times when it is bright and others are playing.

    Is there a large cost difference? I might make the switch now if you aren't sure she'll get into it later and the price isn't too different.

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  • If you are unhappy with the current place, which is sounds like you are, then I would put DD in the new place. Sounds like the new place would be better for her, she'll adjust.
  • I'd probably go for it, unless my baby had a super rough time with transitions.  DS is very easy going, so I'd do it.  Good luck!
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  • its $60 more expensive a week. They have a web cam, which is totally cool. But DD loves the in home and she had made her baby friends there. and i am not unhappy with it. i love it actually (for now). but, would not want her there when she is a toddler.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I would stop by again during a non-nap time and see what your feelings are.  I do agree that kids adjust and I would think that an infant would adjust easier than a toddler.  Perhaps they get the kids on a schedule and they tend to nap at the same times (they don't do this until the toddler room at my daycare).  Personally I would take the space because the naps will become less important and she will most likely adjust and the learning will become more important.
  • If the center is ultimately the place where you want DD to be, I say go for it.  Our center has "quiet time" every afternoon for non-infant napping; but I think in an infant room, it's harder to have that b/c every infant is likely on their own napping schedule. 
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  • imagepeapine:
    its $60 more expensive a week. They have a web cam, which is totally cool. But DD loves the in home and she had made her baby friends there. and i am not unhappy with it. i love it actually (for now). but, would not want her there when she is a toddler.

    I'd probably make the switch.

  • I'll be the lone voice of dissent - I'd keep her where she is happy right now - and move her closer to the time when you want her there.  There may not be a spot exactly when you want one - but there will be one at some point. 

    "When it comes to sleeping, whatever your baby does is normal. If one thing has damaged parents enjoyment of their babies, it's rigid expectations about how and when the baby should sleep." ~ James McKenna, Ph.D., Mother Baby Behavioral Sleep Center, University of Notre Dame

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