Babies: 9 - 12 Months

is this normal for ear infections???

This is our first double ear infection and honestly it's scaring the crap out of me.  The past 2 nights she's been up every hour.  Will only sleep ON me.  Will not go to DH...she only wants me.  We've been taking turns getting up with her (before she comes into our room) and both nights when DH checked her, she had a fever over 104. This morning (around 130) it was 104.8.

She's not eating, barely drinking anything.

This morning she slept on me from 4 - 830 and I was the one who had to get up.  She did eat half of a little waffle and that's all she's had all day.  Started fussing to go to sleep around 930 and didn't get up until 12ish?  Went in there and she didn't want to be put down so I rocked her for about 30 min.  She passed out.  I put her back down and she slept for another half hour.  Came down stairs and had her in my lap.  She leaned over and put her head on my arm and passed out.  She has NEVER done that.

I picked her up and held her and let her sleep for awhile and figured I may as well go lay her down.  She's been napping in her crib since.

This is only her second day on her meds but this is so unlike anything we've ever experienced.  Is all this normal for bad ear infections?  I feel like I should be rushing her to the hospital or something.

Wow this got long...sorry.


DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
IVF or adoption??

Re: is this normal for ear infections???

  • She probably has a lot of pressure in her ears and laying down hurts. I know Ethan hates to be laying down when he has an ear infection. As for the not eating, the meds might be upsetting her tummy. Ear infections suck!
  • i'd be nervous about that high temp. DD's had a couple double ear infections but it seemed as soon as she started the antibiotics she was feeling a lot better.. also gave her tylenol or motrin for the pain and that helped as well. i think it's actually uncomfortable for them to sleep competely flat with ear infections. i always kept 1 side of the crib a bit elevated.
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  • Not trying to sound like a know-it-all but from past experience,  she shouldn't have that high of a temp after being on meds for 2 days.  The med she is on may not be strong enough to battle the infection.  I would call your pedi and let them know what is going on.  Hope she feels better soon!
  • Oh southern, I'm so sorry she is feeling so crummy.

    I'd give the doc a call and just touch base with them on what she's dealing with. ds would not lay down when he had a ear infection and he just screamed and screamed. It was horrible.

    I hope she feels better soon, especially with her party coming up!!!!!!!

  • Has she been on Tylenol or Motrin?  Connor always gets bad ear infections, and Motrin seems to work well for fever and pain.  His ped has offered to write an Rx for numbing ear drops, as well.  If she has been on some type of pain med/fever reducer and is still acting that way, I would definitely call her ped.  Poor thing, I hope she feels better soon!
  • A 104 fever is really high.  If DS had a fever that high I would call the pedi emergency line (although maybe that is overreacting).  I would call the doctor and ensure you get an answer today unless her fever has broken.  The not eating or sleeping is very common with ear infections.  As previous posters have said, try to elevate the crib (or have her sleep in a swing) and give tylenol for the pain.
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