Babies: 9 - 12 Months

nbr: myself-ear pain when running water. weird?

I'm not sure whether to call the doc. I was wondering if anyone ever experienced this. Whenever I run water, sink, shower, tub, my ears drives me nuts. It's feels like there is water in there shooshing and making a horrible noise. But it's only when I turn on a water source.

any anyone ever had anything weird like this? wwyd? I am taking a decongestant hoping that if it's allergy related, maybe it will unclog my ear. I dunno. But it's really annoying!!

Re: nbr: myself-ear pain when running water. weird?

  • That is strange - people with tinnitus usually find relief with running water.  I wonder if it happens the other way around too?

    you should get it looked at to rule out infection, wax build up, fluid retention, etc though

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