Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Stopping bf/pumping early bc of freezer supply?

Anyone considering stopping earlier than originally planned bc you have an abundance of freezer supply?

I want to make it to 12 months- but with the amount of freezer supply I have (and I'm still adding to it), I could easily stop 2 or even 3 months early.

Anyone else considering this?

Re: Stopping bf/pumping early bc of freezer supply?

  • gbtc01gbtc01 member
    That is my plan. I want to stop pumping in about 2 months and use up my freezer stash after that. I still have to donate again to be able to add newer milk to it because my freezer is already full, I had to even store some in my in laws freezer.
  • Thought of it, but I'm too concerned about the power going out for an extended amount of time. I would be so upset if something happened to my freezer supply and I had stopped making milk.
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  • I hadn't thought about a power outage or something like that.

    I'd love to donate but I lived in England for a few months- and crazily enough, that boots me from being a potential donor.

  • I would if I thought I could.  I have about 3 weeks worth of milk frozen so it would not have a huge impact on when I stop pumping.  DS is still taking between 30-36 ounces of BM daily so if he keeps this up I would need over 3000 ounces to stop at 9 months.

     How much is your LO eating?

  • Yes. I am weaning when the boys are 11 months old. (It takes a TON of milk to feed 2 for a whole month). My freezer stash will take them the last month and then slowly into whole milk. I have been planning this since they were a few months old. I love nursing and I will be sad to stop but I'm excited to get my body back and because I tandem feed, I'm excited to not have to plan for privacy every time they need to eat. You can't tandem feed in public like you can with one baby. It will be bittersweet but I'm glad I can stop a little sooner than 1 year.
    "...they are the children God has graciously given your servant." Jackson and Eli image image Titus Ticker
  • imagegbtc01:
    That is my plan. I want to stop pumping in about 2 months and use up my freezer stash after that. I still have to donate again to be able to add newer milk to it because my freezer is already full, I had to even store some in my in laws freezer.


    I'm so jealous!!!  I was never able to pump enough to build up a freezer supply.  I have one day's worth in the freezer right now.

  • I'm going to stop pumping this week. I only pump while I am at work anyways so I think I'll be ok. I'm goingto keep nursing until 12 months though.
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