Anyone considering stopping earlier than originally planned bc you have an abundance of freezer supply?
I want to make it to 12 months- but with the amount of freezer supply I have (and I'm still adding to it), I could easily stop 2 or even 3 months early.
Anyone else considering this?
Re: Stopping bf/pumping early bc of freezer supply?
I hadn't thought about a power outage or something like that.
I'd love to donate but I lived in England for a few months- and crazily enough, that boots me from being a potential donor.
I would if I thought I could. I have about 3 weeks worth of milk frozen so it would not have a huge impact on when I stop pumping. DS is still taking between 30-36 ounces of BM daily so if he keeps this up I would need over 3000 ounces to stop at 9 months.
How much is your LO eating?
I'm so jealous!!! I was never able to pump enough to build up a freezer supply. I have one day's worth in the freezer right now.