Babies: 9 - 12 Months

WDYD when someone gives you an unwanted gift for dc?

This might sound totally ungrateful, but I need to get other's perspectives. 

My sitter is the nicest lady in the world, although she does have some serious boundaries issues.  She also lives next door to me.  She thinks my dd needs more age appropriate toys and discovered a garage sale this morning.  I have no issue with used toys/clothing/gear at all--if they are in good condition and I actually like them.  She bought my dd an "early b-day gift" and brought it over today.  It'a rocking elephant.  I think it's as old as I am.  She's cleaned it up ok but it's so old and used. I would never have picked it out and bought it.  My dd will probably love to climb on it, so it's probably not a big deal.  Although, my dh will hate it and want to throw it out cause it looks ancient.

Am I being difficult?  My sitter mentioned purchasing a kitchen set from the garage sale and I told her no and I'm sure hurt her feelings.  I want to buy my dd her first kitchen and I'd like it be new.  Call me a snob, whatever.  Anyone have any advice on how to say no without hurting any feelings?  Or do I just need to suck it up and deal.

Re: WDYD when someone gives you an unwanted gift for dc?

  • I would just be direct about it. Thank her for her concern & express your appreciation, but just let her know how you feel about it.?


  • That's tough - I would drop hints when you talk to her about how many toys your dd already has and that your mother/mother-in-law are always buying her things too and that your house is full!

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  • It makes it tricky when she lives next door! Otherwise, I would just smile and say thank you. Then give it to good will.

    My SIL sent my DS a random gift which I didn't like and was flammed on here for being ungrateful. And I was ungrateful. But I had some of the same feelings you did on wanting to get nice new things.

    Keep the elephant for a short while and then give it away. Tell the lady next door that you already are getting her a kitchen set for her birthday, but you really appreciate how thoughtful she is.

  • Thanks for the input, Ladies.  My neighbor/sitter is super nice, she just has zero boundaries and is always making suggestions about what I need, should get, have to do, etc.  Annoying to say the least.  Normally in this situation, I'd put it in the garage and just pull it out whenever she comes over but she pops in constantly!  Oh well.  A double-edged sword, I suppose.

  • Stick it in the closet/basement. lol
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Tell her it broke.  Must have been repaired so they could sell it at the garage sale.  That is why you tend to buy things new.
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