Babies: 9 - 12 Months

What are your Father's Day plans/ideas?

Sorry if this has already been asked, I want to do something special for Father's Day, but I'm kind of stuck. ?I was going to get some stuff for his garage because he loves to work on the car and truck, but my FIL already bought him a bunch of stuff this week. ?He said he just needs a steel trash can and some rags... I want to get him more than a trash can and rags! LOL. ?What are your plans or ideas??

Re: What are your Father's Day plans/ideas?

  • the hubby's birthday, our anniversary and dad's day is all around the same time, so I am splurging and getting him a helicopter ride for an hour.
    One Beautiful Gift Delivered 11/08 One Beautiful Angel 8/10 4 Clomid/Ovidril/IUIs= Negative 2 Gonal F/Ovidril/IUIs= Negative Please Lord, I love this baby already, we are ready when You are.
  • DH & DD will be camping. When they get back, I'll make him dinner. i bought him a digital touch photo frame for his office since the cleaning lady broke his last one.
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  • my DH is a beer lover (anything different, not miller or bud). We live outside boston - so I'm taking him to Sam Adams Brewery. I wanted to do harpoon - but not open when we can go. DS can go too. So doing the brewery tour and a nice lunch in the north end I guess!
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  • I'm going to get his car detailed for him - and give him a pic of DD that he said he really liked.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I will make a card for him from me and our daughter and take him out to brunch. I bought him a ticket to the first Cowboys game in the new stadium (his childhood friend's wife did the same, so they'll go together).
  • Would it be un-manly if you let your DS paint the trash can?

  • i told H to pick out a new acoustic guitar on the condition that he plays it for DS  :)  he is excited.  we also are going to go to the zoo.  I will pack a picnic or snacks or something.  I will also help DS make a card.  We try not to give too much stuff because we are trying to de-clutter.

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