Babies: 9 - 12 Months


Can anyone give me a small sample of what your lo solids schedule was like when they first started I am trying to figure out how much I should be giving and when, right now he eats 1 small jar of apples in am then 2 tablespoons of cereal at night and every 2 days I am going to try a new fruit/veggie and he has his bottles in between.  I need to know when to do more. TIA

Re: solids

  • Just to let you know... they suggest 3-5 days between trying new foods.

    at first - 8 am bottle, 12 bottle, 4 bottle, 6 solids, 8 bottle

    Solids was 1tsp of cereal, then working our way up to 3 tbsp... then I started adding in fruit.

    We just started 2 meals last week after 3 weeks of solids and he eats 5 tbs at each meal, cereal and fruit in the morning, cereal and veggie at ngiht.

    in 2 more weeks I'll add in lunch probably.

    Plus i give him mum mum's as a snack during the day

     Good luck,

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  • C was on cereal for quite a while before we introduced anything else. ?We started bananas in the morning with some oatmeal after 3 weeks of just cereal. ?Then every 3-4 days we introduced a new veggie. ?He's had peas, carrots, and green beans. ?Today we will begin butternut squash. ?The last "1st veggie" i'm going to give him is sweet potatoes.

    I have all of the above in the freezer and just made peaches today. ?Eventually, each morning we'll do a fruit with oatmeal. ?Every night we do a veggie with rice. ?He's taking about 32 ounces of formula. ?

    We won't do a 3rd meal until after speaking with the pedi, but I think that comes around 7 or 8 months.?

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  • Megs while you were trying the diff veggies did you just kkeep the bananas in am with otameal?

  • imageheatherNsteve07:

    Megs while you were trying the diff veggies did you just kkeep the bananas in am with otameal?

    yep. ?he always gets bananas with oatmeal in the morning. ?then veggie and rice at night. ?bananas were the first "food" we gave him. ?

    oh, and I also pureed some avocado, so that's in the freezer. ?have you checked out ?there is a lot of great information on that site!?

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