I'm surprised at how good I still feel. I remember struggling a bit the last few weeks with Mia but I think it was much hotter at this time in 2006. My only complaint is that it's a little difficult to get up especially if I'm down on the floor which is to be expected with a HUGE belly.
I'm wondering if it means anything (in terms of whether I'll go early or late).
Re: Anyone else feel great at 8 mo's pg?
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
I honestly felt great for my entire pregnancy. Literally the only day I felt swollen and tired was the day that my dr decided to induce me.
Had I started younger, I would have had at least 3 kids given the easy pregnancy and delivery!
Since I'm not PG right now... I can only tell you about my experience from being PG with DD and I can remember telling my mom that even in the last few weeks I felt great and I could carry that baby forever. I didn't get uncomfortable until the day before I delivered.
I totally enjoyed being pregnant!
I felt awesome at 8 weeks. And then somewhere around week 38, I started to become REALLY uncomfortable. Like, laid spreadeagle on the couch with my feet up and unable to move around much. I think I gave birth 5 days later.
you know, now that you said you feel great, you jinxed yourself. That's what happened to me at least.