Babies: 9 - 12 Months

If you think Labs are too active...what do you recommend?

A lot of you said to rethink getting a lab because of their active nature. Is there another breed you would recommend?  My husband wants a dog on the larger side...



Re: If you think Labs are too active...what do you recommend?

  • uhh greyhound. hands down!



  • I love our lab. He and Adam are best buds.
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  • Most bigger dogs are active.  You just need to make sure they get about 30 mins. of vigorous exercise/day and you'll be good!
  • Labs may be "high energy" BUT they also are great dogs for kids. and Learn really well.  My friend has a 90 lb yellow lab and had it before her DS was born and he is great with him.  He is almost 2 now and they are best buddies.  I bring my DS over all the time and have no worries. 

    I am a strong believer that a dog energy level is what you make it.  It may be bred into it but you can also control it easier.  IE if you walk to every day or do a lot with it, it will become a high energy dog, if you don't then it may not need all that to be ok.  

    I have 2 dogs but one is a chihuahua and the other is a medium sized breed. I've had both for 7 and 3 years.  They are great with DS.

  • Our lab is a crazy psychopath. Yeah, I'd never own another lab.  I love him, but that's it for me as far as labs go. 

    Marley & Me could be his twin.

    Anywho, as far as mild mannered dogs, I actually agree with Mod.  Greyhounds are very subdued animals, very calm and are great with kids.  Plus, there are great rescues all over the place that rescue greyhounds from racetracks. 

    My sister has a catahoula, and she is extremely mild mannered.  I'm not sure if that's typical of the breed or not.  You may have better luck asking on the Pets board.


  • imagecracky!:
    Most bigger dogs are active.  You just need to make sure they get about 30 mins. of vigorous exercise/day and you'll be good!


    not greyhounds. they just need a leisurely walk and they are good for the rest of the week lol

  • Our lab is a crazy psychopath. Yeah, I'd never own another lab.

    ditto this. When I grew up we always had collies. They are gentle & very loyal. They do have long hair, but they shed in clumps rather than small hairs that stick in the carpet.

  • We had an Australian Shepherd when I was growing up.  He was great with us.  I guess he was about 70lbs?

    "If I'm goin' down, I'm goin' down loud." -John Evans Tweet me
  • imagejen_k2:

    Our lab is a crazy psychopath. Yeah, I'd never own another lab.

    ditto this. When I grew up we always had collies. They are gentle & very loyal. They do have long hair, but they shed in clumps rather than small hairs that stick in the carpet.

    Yes, this is another thing.  Labs shed something fierce.  I had to bring Cosmo with me in the car yesterday, and I spent an hour vacumming out the little hairs that became embedded into the seat fabric.  It's unlike anything I've ever seen - their fur is almost like pine needles or something. 

  • When picking your lab, try to pick one that seems of calmer nature...will let you hold it without squirming and will let you cradle it on it's back like a baby.  We have 2 lab mixes - 1 is crazy when we got the second we made sure to try to find one that was calmer and she is almost too calm! They both love the baby though and like to cuddle with her.

  • German Shephards are terrific with children...very gentle and protective.  Plus, they are very intelligent dogs. But, they have lots of hair, so that's a downside. And they're big...not sure how large of a dog you're looking for. 

     Great Danes are very passive as well.  But have hip problems I have heard....never owned one though, so I can't speak from experience.

  • Labs can go either way, I've had labs all my life and some were hyper and some were extremely calm. As long as you take the time to train them properly (like any dog) there's not a better family dog IMO.

  • well, i am partial to mastiffs...i own/breed/show them and they are lazy, but big is sort of an understatement.  the boys can easily be over 200 lbs.  we do tell people that they could live in an elevator though, that is how little activity they need.  my dogs run around in our backyard (2.5 acres) for 15 minutes and they are ready for a three hour nap.  but they are VERY gentle.  great with the baby so far.
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  • imagekrys2729:
    well, i am partial to mastiffs...i own/breed/show them and they are lazy, but big is sort of an understatement.  the boys can easily be over 200 lbs.  we do tell people that they could live in an elevator though, that is how little activity they need.  my dogs run around in our backyard (2.5 acres) for 15 minutes and they are ready for a three hour nap.  but they are VERY gentle.  great with the baby so far.

    This sounds like my kinda dog.  Their exercise schedule is right in line with mine. 

  • I have had Labs in the past (some great, some crazy).  Now we have Goldens.  They are about the same as Labs, but the shed SO much!  The Goldendoodles or the Labradoodle is a great option if you want to avoid the shedding.

    When you go to a breeder be sure that you get to pick from several dogs.  Buy the Puppies for Dummies book and there is a tutorial for how to pick the best mannered puppy from a litter.  

    We got to pick our female golden out of a litter of 8.   I went by the PoD book and she is the best dog ever!  Then we decided that Goldens were great and we wanted another one.  Our male golden was the last puppy left (same bloodline) and he is a crazy nutbag.  Good Luck!

  • Our lab is a great dog, but she is also a crazed fool and a fierce shedder. I will never have another one. Our next dog will be a great dane or mastiff. I think there are several of the giant breeds that are not so hyper. Labs have tons of energy since they are meant to be hunting dogs and run the fields all day.
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