Babies: 9 - 12 Months

anybody else's baby an impatient eater?

Sawyer gets extremely angry with me if I don't have his next bite of food ready immediately.  I feel like I am just shovelling it in his mouth.  Anybody else have a baby that does this?

Re: anybody else's baby an impatient eater?

  • Yep,. first it was the boob, then the bottle and now it's solids... lol. I say he's totally food driven... after his 6 mo shots, the nurse was like "oh let him calm down before you feed him (first bottle of the morning he hadn't had yet)" So I place the bottle in front of him and he grabbed it out of my hands and shoved it in his mouth... The nurse started lhao... she told me she'd never seen a baby do that after
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  • Like you wouldn't believe. If you don't have his food ready, watch out, because he is going to throw a fit of all fits lol
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  • Yep, exactly, I needed to have a constant shovel into his mouth or else he would get really mad. 
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  • DD is like that. She LOVES food. When we are getting to the end of her yogurt, she gets mad and growls in between bites. She can tell it's almost gone because I'm scraping the sides and she gets mad that is it almost gone. Ha ha!

  • He is constantly talking/yelling/growling when we feed him because he wants more, MORE, MORE!
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