I HATE bugs, like really HATE them. I think nature and I should live our existences totally separately. So on Saturday I was in Judah's room, holding him and getting ready to put him in his bed. DH was out for the evening. I was *just* getting ready to put him down when I heard a rustling noise. It was so loud I thought there was a rat or something outside the door. Finally I saw it: a HUGE black moth. I mean HUGE. The rustling was it beating its wings against the door. So I tried to close the door before it got in the room. No luck, it flew in and landed on the window. So I drag my sleepy baby outside the room and call DH (yes, I wanted him to come home to kill this thing). Of course he wouldn't and told me to just kill it. I tried, but everytime I got within 5 feet of it I started shaking. It was soooo gross, and black and huge. So I closed the door and brought DS into our bedroom to sleep. He slept there until DH got home and killed the moth. At least he admitted that the thing was ginormous and creepy-looking.
Re: s/o Bugs -- do you have a story?
9/24/2011 Plymouth Firefighters 5k: 47:13
11/12/2011 Diva Dash 5k: 45:45
5/5/2012 STEM school 5k TBD Coming up in 2012:
6/10/2012 Walk to Remember SIDS foundation 5k
(in memory of a sweet baby boy)
11/10/2012 Diva Dash 5k
We had one of those moths in our house this weekend too!!! It was so big it looked like a freaking baby bird of some sort! I freaked out too and made DH get it out of the house.
I also have a HUGE fear of grasshoppers. I think they are disgusting and I will not go near one.
I posted this on the tri boards when it happened, pregnant, sometime in the 2nd trimester:
Had a dream that I was drinking water with roaches in it. Came to work, had left my cup that I use for water from the fountain on the desk. Didn't think, put it up to my mouth to drink what was left (I usually would forget to empty it) and (thank goodness) before I took a sip, saw a dead roach floating in it. I THREW the cup across my cubicle. My boss had to come pick it up for me.
The oddest part was I just had that dream. From then on, I refill BOTTLES of water, and leave the cap on at all times.
One night in 3rd tri, I was brushing my teeth and this ginormous grasshopper came out of nowhere and leapt at my face. I started screaming and flailing around trying to get it off, and my husband came running, thinking that I was dying or had just given birth or something, He was so mad when he found out I was freaking out about a grasshopper. Then I started crying that maybe I had hurt the grasshopper and how he had to take it outside and set it free.
Oh, hormones.