Babies: 9 - 12 Months

My poor, poor dog... so sad!!

I have a ten year old 100 lb German Boxer that I adore.  Over the past couple of months he has started to lose muscle control in his back legs.  He fell on the hardwoods yesterday and physically could not get up because his back legs couldn't get traction on the slippery floors.  I thought this was sad until our walk later.  We walk him and our blue heeler every night to keep them in shape and happy.  He always poops when we walk him.  Well he was squatting to poo and his back legs failed him and he fell right in to his own poo!  We had to take him home and hose him off.  DH said this isn't the first time that has happened.  It is so heartbreaking to see him this way. I think he may end up in one of those doggy wheelchairs Crying

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