Because the weather is so nice and summer is coming we are going to a lot of fesitvals, the park, and just spending a lot of time outdoors in general. We use sunblock on DD but I worry about her scalp getting of course we tried putting sun hats on her....she is NOT having it!
I've tried the ones w/ a chin strap, w/out a strap, baseball type hats, and really light small hats but she immediatly rips them off her head and if I even attempt to put it back on she will throw a huge fit.
Any other ideas on keeping the sun off DD's head?
Re: Any tips for keeping a hat on DD?
Haha....that's what DH suggested but I think he was serious:)
Practice!! We went on vacation and I was so worried about her keeping a had on at the beach.... The one with the chin strap definitely helped though. Anyhow after a while and lots of distraction, she just kind of forgot about it. And when she did put it on, we gave her lots of praise and told her how beautiful she looked - she loved the attention!
Near the end of our trip, she even kept on these cheap little sunglasses I got her. They didn't even have a strap... Just keep trying. And trying. And trying. And trying......