I know this sounds weird--but I breastfeed so really haven't had to supplement. I bought a can and opened it a couple months ago when my supply briefly dipped---but I haven't had to use it since and it's almost a full can. It's kept in the pantry--but I realized the can says "good for 30 days"....so does that mean I should toss it or is it just on there b/c they need to put something down??
I know most people wouldn't run in to this situation--as formula goes quickly. And man....that stuff is expensive!! That's why tossing it makes me squirm, but don't want to chance anything either. I'm just not sure what would actually expire in the ingredient list.
Re: Does formula "expire"??
I had the same situation as yours, when I stopped BFing I had an open can I had used 1x about a month and a half earlier. Spoiled food/drinks always makes me super nervous so I threw it out and started w/ a new can.
It does suck b/c formula is so expensive but I'm sure they have a reason for putting a 30 day expiry date on the can.
Yup, I'd toss it. You could replace it with a generic - I use Target generic and it's only $13 a can or so.
What is Target's generic similar too--I'm curious. I was doing GoodStart---so not sure if they have a generic.
My new "mom" blog: http://realityofamommy.blogspot.com
They have a couple different versions. When we switched from Good Start to generic we started with their version of Enfamil Gentlease. It uses whey protein, just like GS. It doesn't have the probiotics that GS with Natural Cultures has, if that is what you're using.
It's not worth it. Get another can.