I am really bored, so I am reading over their GD message board (as I do sometimes). I feel so bad for these women, and for some of their children. I "get" GD, really, I do. I wanted a girl badly. My BFF has 5 girls, and has been trying for a boy since #3. I can understand that it is OK to want one sex over the other. I know that a healthy baby and the baby having a penis are not mutually exclusive things. I know millions of women want to be pregnant (though of course, a woman pregnant with her 7th girl going through with another pregnancy won't make ANY of those other women pregnant, and she won't put the girl up for adoption).
However, I just read a post from a woman who is 5 weeks pregnant, and wants an abortion because she "knows" its another boy, and her 3(4?) other boys are just horrible and she wishes she had never had kids. Granted, her 14 year old was just arrested, but wow. I am 100% pro-choice so I don't begrudge her the choice, but wow. I hate feeling so judgmental, but wow.
Re: InGender-Gender Disappointment
Same here. Just b/c your children are the same gender, does not mean they will act the same way or have the same personality. Every child is different!
I honestly don't think anyone who is pro choice is that pro choice to think that aborting a baby is okay because you *think* it's the "wrong" gender. If anyone is that pro choice- I judge the shit_ out of you...unapologetically.
I can't even go lurk on that site. I did once, read something like you did- a bunch of us joined and tried to encourage those chicks to get help.. it turned into a big mess and one girl told me that God caused me to miscarry because I was hateful or something like that.