Babies: 9 - 12 Months

lurking on 3rd tri made me think of a ?

Did anyone have false labor that actually ended up resulting in dilation? Or have sex that actually induced labor?  When I was about 36 weeks DH and I had sex (not trying to induce labor, just because we hadn't had sex in a while because of my PTL risk) and it sent me into false labor.  I walked around the house and laid on the heating pad and took hot baths and all of that but my contractions stayed irregular.  This went on for 3-4 hours.  Right as I was getting ready to call the OB they stopped all together, I was relieved but was praying for some progress.  2 days later at my OB appt I had gone from 1cm to 3cm and 80% effaced, My water broke at 38 weeks and 1 day and when I got to the hospital I was 4cm and 90% and therefore qualified for an epidural as soon as they could get the tech in there (which took about 1 hour) but it also shortened my labor to 13 hours instead of about the 16 it would have been at the rate I was dialating.  I don't really know what the point of this post is but I was just kind of curious as to what other peoples experiences where with labor induction methods?  

Re: lurking on 3rd tri made me think of a ?

  • My midwife told me that if any of those induction methods "work" it's only because your body was getting ready to go into labor anyway. Having sex, for example, may kick start the process, but your body was already ready.
  • Honestly, walking helped me! I never thought it would, but it did!

    DS was born on a Thursday. The morning before I had DS (I am talking 2 AM Wed,), I lost my mucous plug (I still wasn't dilated at that point though...I actually went to the hospital b/c I thought my water was leaking b/c I kept feeling gushes). Then Wed. night I went to a friend's house to walk. She lives in a development that is all hills. We walked all 3 sections twice. I was still losing my mucous plug all day too. When I got home, I started w/ contractions. By 11 PM, they were pretty much 5 mins apart (but some were a little farther apart than that).

    By 2 AM there was no way I was going to fall asleep. We called L&D and they said to come in to be checked. I knew I wasn't going to be dilated much since I wasn't at all on Wed. morning. I was fingertip dilated. I still could have died. I was so upset. I was already scheduled to be induced the following Monday (which would have been 41 w 4d). They didn't know what the Dr. would want to do. They already had someone there w/ high blood pressure who HAD to be induced, so they said the Dr. would probably keep me too. The Dr. didn't come in until 9 AM (so I laid there from about 3 AM till 9 AM before I knew if they were keeping me or not)!! I was STILL only 1 cm even though i was having tons of contractions. So, the Dr. asked if I wanted to be induced and I agreed (what was the point of going home after I just laid there for 6 hours!).

    I honestly thought I would just go to the hosptial and they would send me home with some meds to help me sleep! 

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  • imagemrs.baum:
    My midwife told me that if any of those induction methods "work" it's only because your body was getting ready to go into labor anyway. Having sex, for example, may kick start the process, but your body was already ready.

    I always think the same thing too. As I just said, I was already losing my MP, so labor was coming soon anyway!

  • Sex worked for me: 1 week before DS was born, we had sex, and I had false labor all day.  Next appointment, I had progress (can't remember what it was, though.)  2 days later, sex again.  Again - false labor and progress.  Finally, we had sex again and I went into labor.

     Of course, I was a week overdue at that point, and we were trying anything to start labor!

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