Anyone else's kid not doing it either? Seriously, she's done it once at 5 months, and then that was it for her. She does everything else - pushing her entire torso off the ground, sitting up by herself, reaching for objects. WTH?
TTC #2 since 2/2010
BFP #1 4/1/08, DD born 12/5/08
BFP #2 2/3/12, m/c 2/14/12
BFP #3 4/27/12 EDD 12/31/12
Hoping for a sticky baby!
My DS did the same thing. Did it one time at 4.5 mos and that has been it. I keep thinking he is going to go back to belly any day now but nope, nothing.
DD started rolling late...I think about 7.5-8 months. Then she started crawling at 10 months and doesn't seem close to walking yet. I know it's easier said then done but try to relax and know they will do it in their own time.
DD started rolling late...I think about 7.5-8 months. Then she started crawling at 10 months and doesn't seem close to walking yet. I know it's easier said then done but try to relax and know they will do it in their own time.
This is probably true... I am lucky to still be able to leave the room for a minute and come back to her in the same place I left her.
TTC #2 since 2/2010
BFP #1 4/1/08, DD born 12/5/08
BFP #2 2/3/12, m/c 2/14/12
BFP #3 4/27/12 EDD 12/31/12
Hoping for a sticky baby!
Re: Still not rolling?
Ben rolled once a 4 months and did not start rolling again until about a month ago. He still doesn't do it often.
He can walk...but he can't crawl and doesn't roll!
This is probably true... I am lucky to still be able to leave the room for a minute and come back to her in the same place I left her.