after talking to my mom about it, she thinks i should talk to the MW (who i have my next appt with in july). the pedi made a reference to the fact that he sees her child (hellooo HIPPA), and to tell her that i do not want to be involved in anything, but that she should know that her friend/dr is making comments about partners in her practice.
her advice is: stick with the OB. the pedi thinks i'm just a young mom who doesn't know what i'm talking about and probably has a personal beef with this particular dr. he has made other comments that i found insensitive before (i.e. "do you have WIC? oh, your husband probably makes $1 too much.").
i think he is a good dr, just not so great with words. maybe it is the language barrier.
Re: f/u to gossipy pedi
this is smart IMO. Especially to let your OB know that he's spreading a few unnecessary words around about his co-workers. It's crappy but probably unintentional on his part but you wouldn't have found out otherwise right? Stick with what works and go from there.
I agree with you and your mom
Me neither. But I'm a very non-confrontational person.
And I think your mom's advice to stick with the OB is good.
Bubblegum Explosion
I think your Mom gave some great advice. INCLUDING the part about telling your MW. Could it potentially become awkward between you and your pedi? Sure. But what he's doing (telling you about his other patients) is unethical and deserves to be dealt with.
Your MW also can't say your name, really, should she decide to talk to the pedi about his behaviour. But at least she would be aware of what's going on and can decide what she wants to do about it.
She also may have some feedback for you as well about your concerns re: your OB.
Honestly, I would not say anything to the midwife or OB about the pedi. Most docs don't usually bash other docs, so I think your pedi was trying to look out for you. Maybe he isn't the best with words, but it sounds like he tries to help you out.
Is there something real to what the pedi was saying??