hi ladies
finally went to the OB today and brought up the IUD. we went over the pros and cons of both mirena and paragard, and she said overall she suggested the mirena more, if nothing else, but for the lack of period eventually. i know the basic differences, but am just wondering your guys' experiences. my insurance covers it, i only pay co pay, so the cost doesnt come into play at all. if anything, its actually cheaper than my BC pills!
my background is minus having DD, i have been on the pill since 2001. its fine, and ive had no problems, but i am just kind of tired of it. and since having DD i am having a bigger problem remembering to take them, and get the scripts filled TIA!
Re: XP: mirena or paragard?
9/24/2011 Plymouth Firefighters 5k: 47:13
11/12/2011 Diva Dash 5k: 45:45
5/5/2012 STEM school 5k TBD Coming up in 2012:
6/10/2012 Walk to Remember SIDS foundation 5k
(in memory of a sweet baby boy)
11/10/2012 Diva Dash 5k
I have had the Mirena since february. I love the fact that I don't have to think about it. My insurance paid for it so it was cheap. The only downside is that I have been spotting most days ever since I got it at 8 weeks pp. So I have been spotting since DS was born... It gets old. I'm hoping my periods disappear altogether. My doc said that most women stop having periods while on it.
I wish they would come out with a pill for men. I tried the pills and always forgot them; as a photographer my schedule changes all the time so taking them at the same time every day just didn't work for me. I got pregnant on the Nuvaring... so if this doesn't work well I'm screwed, lol.?
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown
Married 3-1-08 | Nathan 11-24-08 | Kaelyn 11-30-10 | Alicia 8-17-13
I have mirena...i hate it! I got it in the end of jan and i have had non stop bleeding/spotting since. I had to go in last week to get it checked and she said that wasnt normal. Most women dont have that problem. Lucky me...she put a paste on my cervix to stop the bleeding. That didnt work either. Now she wants to put me on estrogen pills to stop the bleeding, but i think im just gonna have it taken out. It sucks because i was really hoping it would work out for me! It has been so nice not having to take pills everyday! GL to you!