Our appointment was at 2:30. DS fever kept rising during the day and his poor little cheeks were bright red. He still had no other symptoms until about 1:00 when he vomited all over the place. Before we left his fever reached 102.6, he was falling asleep on me (NEVER has happened).
His Pedi took one look at him and said he had Fifths Disease. He also said not to worry about my exposure to H1N1 - that it is so blown up by the media and it is just a mild flu.
I feel so much better now that I know what is going on. Poor DS, though, all he wants to do is sleep .
Re: Update to possible H1N1...
poor baby. I hate when they are sick. Breaks my heart.
Hope he feels better soon!
I'm glad it wasn't H1N1!
What is Fifths Disease if you don't mind my asking?
A virus that starts with a cold and ends with a rash. It produces flu-like symptoms.
Oh, no! I hope he recovers quickly. It's so sad when they aren't acting like themselves