Babies: 9 - 12 Months

tell me i'm being paranoid/made baby food

i just made the butternut squash...and i added a pat of butter and some cinnamon for flavor. then i added just a bit of nutmeg. i put it in the freezer, and then i was putting the nutmeg away and i thought, "hmm, is that actually from a nut?" so babies aren't supposed to have nuts because of allergies i think....i'm being paranoid, i'm sure...i should still give him this batch right? thanks.

Re: tell me i'm being paranoid/made baby food

  • I'm sure it'll be fine.

    FWIW I don't put anything on my food and ds gobbles it right up.

    you shouldn't need much spices or flavors unless your dc has refused the plain stuff in the past.

  • All I know is that it is ok.  Don't think it comes from a nut.  It is on the list of spices in my baby food cookbook.
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  • I was told 8 months for spices.  I'm sure nutmeg is fine.  

    I wonder why you're adding butter, though.  I wouldn't want ds to get used to eating buttery veggies at such a young age.

  • You do not add butter/salt or seasoning of any kind to baby food until much later in life, def not before 1.
  • imageJARbaby:
    You do not add butter/salt or seasoning of any kind to baby food until much later in life, def not before 1.

    Not true.  Many pedis say spices are ok by 8 months.  Many cultures add it earlier.

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