DH and I have been looking for a nanny to watch DS at home while I work part-time. We've had a few leads but nothing concrete yet. Last night my sister's husband called asking if we were still looking. He's a teacher (just graduated, so not ACTually a teacher yet, but looking) and is off for the summer. He and my sis have babysat DS a few times, so he's not a stranger to DS. My DH's only concern was me being alone in the house with him all day; I said I could go work at any cafe with Wi-Fi if that's a problem. Didn't cross my mind until he said something. What would you think about this situation? He said he could also do some handy-man type tasks around the house and walk the dog during naptimes if I wanted.
We'd have any nanny, BIL or otherwise, for 2-3 days, a total of 10-15 hours weekly.?
Re: In-home "manny" - WDYT?
Why would it be a problem for you to be in the house alone with him (although technically you wouldn't be alone - ds would be there). That's weird.
Other than that, if he works cheap and you trust him with your child, I would go for it.
is your DH jealous, or does he think you two will fight?
Anyway, I think it sounds like a great situation until the fall when you are stuck looking for someone else again.
Why would your DH have a problem with you being in the house with a man 10 hours a week? Strange.
But like PP said, you'd also be stuck finding someone else in the fall.
Yeah, I don't know why that was his only concern. Like I said, didn't cross my mind until he mentioned it. I did bring up the "but a stranger is ok?" aspect. BIL and I have no bad blood at all; he's a good 5 years younger than me and adores DS - and his wife.
I said we could do a trial run before deciding for sure.
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