Where y'all at?
I have a pretty good career, make a good salary, have a window office with a door - and I hate every second of it. I would absolutely stay home if we could afford it. I don't think I'm setting any kind of example for DS except work sucks and I only do it in order to pay bills.
I'm sure I would feel differently if I was doing something I genuinely enjoyed but until then I am insanely jealous of any mommy who gets to stay home with their LO.
Re: Working moms who would rather SAH?
Well, I like my job, but I'd stay home with DD in a heartbeat if I it were an option. Though, dh does, and I honestly believe he does a better job than I could.
My ideal situation would be to work out of the house 2 to 3 days a week, and have dh work outside of the house the other days. That way, K gets to be home with one of us at all times, but we both get adult interaction regularly.
I have very mixed feelings. I would love to SAH. But everything in me repels being dependent on a man. Even one as wonderful as DH.
But since DH is unemployed....no conflict, I gotta work! Lucky for me my Boss is great and is very cool about me needing family time.
DMoney will be a kickass big sister
Yeah I don't have a good career, or make a good salary, or have a door- stupid cube!
Ideally I'd work part-time. i do enjoy having "adult" time and whatnot. And I'm good at my job. I just don't use my degree or have a good career that I'm proud of. I think eventually I will move up and whatnot. I just keep moving to different states and having to start over again which sucks.
I like my job, in general. I hate the commute though. If I could do exactly the same thing, but just be home 10ish hours more a week (with the same $$ of course), I would be a happy camper!
I cannot imagine being home all day alone w/ DD having to keep her engaged all day long; I would go BSC. But being at home w/ my girl 2 or 3 more hours a day would be heaven.
This is me exactly!
i have a wonderful job, so much flexibility, the ability to bring lovey to work with me a few days a week, and i would quit in a heartbeat if we could afford it.
that being said, this new baby's going to force me to quit since we won't be able to afford child care for two, so we'll see if we can afford it then! I can't wait!
I'm right with you, almost word for word. I used to enjoy my career, but things have changed with my company since I've been back from maternity leave and I want nothing more than to spend more time with DD. My "career" isn't very challenging at the moment and although I know I should just be grateful to have a job right now, it's not fulfilling at all to get up and come to work every day. Sigh. Hang in there!
Me. We could pretty easily afford for me to stay home, but it wasn't initially part of our plan until baby #2, and I make more than Dh.
I'm miserable though, so I've been trying to talk Dh into agreeing that I sah. I feel guilty though because I'm "not living up to my end of the bargain".
I'm looking for part time jobs right now.
One day I feel great about my career and the next, I hate it (and I have it pretty good). I'm pretty certain that if I stayed home I would feel the same.. some days I would love it - others I would want to be back at work and making money. I can't imagine not making money.
That said, you are most definitely setting a positive example for your son. You are showing him that work isn't always fun and fulfilling, but that adults work so that bills can get paid and babies can be comfortable.
ETA to delete my mean comment about DH
I feel the same exact way.
I feel the same exact way.
Me too.
I;m bored at my job, It takes me a few hours to do everything I need to do for the week. I would like a new job that would keep me busy and I would like to drop down to 3 days a week. Right now I am only working 4.
I wish I could SAH. I like my job sometimes. I just get NO rest. I work 3rd shift. My DH works 2nd shift but I still dont get any sleep because he constantly wakes me. It drives me NUTS! I only sleep on weekends. during the week I average 3 or 4 hours tops of broken sleep a day. Its a constant battle in my house. I get maybe 2 in the am then I get 2 in the evening when my Mom gets here afterwork for the evening shift. This is my primary reasons other than I miss her and dont feel I get enough "Quality" time with her.