ok so the u/s went fine i guess?.... uh... if i was 5 wks preg. ok here's what happened: everything is perfect if i was 5 weeks pregnant. they said if i was supposed to be 7 wks preg and the baby died at 5 weeks, then there would not be a perfect yolk sac like there is. the dr said "you ARE pregnant - congrats! but your dating must be off". well, not really. i mean here is my testing:
may 16 - 2 dollar store tests with FAINT FAINT lines (you guys saw it) and a BFN on a "rapid response" EPT test (which is meant for ONLY if you are late on your period - not for before). BFN on a digital but i took it at night after a whole day of food and bev and LOTS of peeing
may 17 - didnt test
may 18 - BFP on the digital! woot!
may 19 - BFP on the other "rapid response" EPT test.
ok so my last AF was 4/19/09 and thats that - i thought i was 7 weeks. well anyway, apparently not.
dh was out of town may 7-8. and then 11-17. so it HAD to have been the wkend of the 9-10th right?
that means i would have tested BFP at 7dpo or earlier. wtf?
and then i just went to the bathroom and had a tiny bit of spotting - but it was more brown IMO - could that be from the internal u/s.
anyway, can't hear the HB til next monday - at which ill be exactly 6 weeks according to them.
Re: i could not be more confused.
Could you have O'd later than you think?
If you are 5 weeks that would explain the spotting. It would most likely be implantation bleeding.
This pregnancy thing is screwy. My docs said the same thing to me... I should be about 2 weeks further along than they think I am.
I'm glad they were able to give you good news though!
Well that is clear as mud. I'm glad that there is still a baby and that you will be able to hear the HB next week.
I got my BFP at 9 DPO and it was not light or with FMU, so you could have very well gotten a early positive. ??
Edit- ?I am talking about when I was pregnant with Lily. ?No, I am not pregnant again.
huh- that is confusing. I hope everything turns out ok!!!
see thats what i would guess. so yeah, then i would have O'd a week late and it would have HAD to have been the 9-10th lol
but does that "5 weeks preg" math even add up then?
and ABM - when did they tell you "hey take 2 weeks off of that?" lol

I am 7 weeks tom and I'm almost certain that I conceived the weekend of the 2/3, so you would be a week behind me if you conceived the following weekend (9/10). If you o'd later than you thought you could have conceived several days after having sex -- 11-14 sometime, which would make you about 5 weeks!
lol damn - that would be almost certainly another girl then, huh? LOL
but then think about it - how the HECK would i have gotten a BFP when i did??
Very high hcg levels... like with twins.
lol hey! i agree with you! would they have been able to see anything "twin like" today? or no?
with DS, my u/s was at 8w4d, but the baby measured as 6w2d... so everything got pushed way back.
but he was born two days late, and was only 7lb 2 oz. imagine if he was born any earlier!!

Agree. Vanishing twin is very, very common and could explain the higher hcg levels. Fingers crossed for the 6w appointment.
lol and see that sucks - it was like "hey! p.s.! you need to be pregnant for 2 extra weeks, yo!!"
and so did you get a BFP really *early* then? i mean, i guess im confused on how that happens? maybe? i dunno. my head hurts LOL
How confusing! I'll say that I was really really confused as to how I managed to get pregnant when I did too. I chalk it up to tricksy babies trying to mess with your mind right from the start.
You better watch out for this one punk. I can already tell it's going to be a handful...
well i THOUGHT i was a week late. but according to the OB calculator they gave me (i don't if everyone's dr. gives them a calendar of weeks?), i would have tested on the supposed conception date...
who knows?!?! we weren't even trying!
oh and p.s. your ticker is "off". you have a lot more days than 160 LOL
LMAO see that is where i am confused. stupid 2 week "give". it confuses me STILL after 2 children.
and yeah, i'll watch out for this one - its a stinker from this early on
Did they draw blood?
Did you POAS at the dr.?
nope. they said no point. he said "ok so we draw blood. what is that going to help you? we just will see a heartbeat next week".
and i thought about POAS and basically he said if i wasn't pregnant, then the yolk sac would not look as good as it did. so that there's no point bc he is sure im actually preg
Well, if they would draw blood today and Wednesday, they could tell if your levels were going up or not- so, you could make sure punkbean was okay before next week. But, what he said about the sac makes sense..I guess he knows more than I do.
lol i totally agree with you. i guess it comes down to that if i said "my periods are wacky - you tell ME how far along i am" they would have confidently said "5 weeks" and that would have been that, kwim?
I'm chiming in late on this one. But the same thing is happening with me right now. I had some spotting Fri at what I thought was 8ish weeks. So to the ER I go. High Hcg numbers and u/s show 5wks and some change, no hb. So looking back at my not so consistent cycles, I think I O'd much later than the little spinney dial they determine you EDD with says, which would explain neg HPT considering I would have found out soooo early (but also, like you got BFP's with digitals). So here I wait until Thursday when I have an u/s scheduled and two options: 1. We are much later than I thought, with a baby and a hb. or 2. M/C at 5 weeks and that's what we deal with.
I feel your frustration 100%, I hope you get this figured out.
well to give you some hope - if your baby had died at 3 weeks ago... you would not have a good yolk sac still. so if they said that you still had all that - then you are just prob earlier than you though