Babies: 9 - 12 Months

s/o poll: What were the docs discussing during your c-section?

My OB was talking about what new movies were out with the anesthesiologist. lol

Btw, this was inspired by a super crappy birth story. The only not awful part was the poster saying that the OB was discussing her parking space being stolen during her c-section.

Sorry to the OP that you had to go through such a horrible birth.

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Re: s/o poll: What were the docs discussing during your c-section?

  • it was during a Jazz festival and they were talking about which bands they wanted to see and where they might have dinner.
  • I don't know, I was asleep.  I didn't think that if the patient was awake during the procedure that the docs would talk about personal things.  That seems weird.
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  • the OB (not mine, but one in my practice) and the anesth. were brothers. ?they were telling us about their family bee farm!!
  • It was a teaching hospital, so they were talking about my organs and my uterus:-)  "And over here, you'll see..."  It was the 20 minute tour of my insides. 
  • We were all talking about the Beijing Olympics (yes, me included... I'm able to carry on a conversation while my innards are exposed, apparenty).  Someone mentioned that the gov't had issued some sort of mandate banning spitting on the sidewalks.  And we were listening to some kind of funny music -- I forget what now, though.
  • Once DS was out, my main OB started talking to his partner about his mom and her dementia. It kind of made me sad.

    I like privacy. A lot.
  • During the actual c/s (before DS came out) they were discussing the actual surgery and my OB was updating me on how much longer until DS was out. ?My OB is awesome though, I couldn't see him focusing on anything but the actual birth.

    After the c/s (when they were stitching me back up) my OB left, the surgical people were talking about drinking margaritas. ?I was kind of out of it at this point so I have no idea how they got on that topic but I remember saying really loudly "I WANT A MARGARITA! ?I CAN HAVE A MARGARITA NOW!"?

    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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  • Hey, its stellas mom. Why have I not seen your freakery around here?

    Anyway, they weren't saying anything. My anasthesiologist was playing solitaire on the computer though. I found that odd.

  • nothing too exciting. he asked how i was doing and i asked how he was doing. lol   he made some wisecrack but i can't remember what. i was kind of zoning out so i didn't freak out.
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  • imageohwhattheheck:
    I don't know, I was asleep.? I didn't think that if the patient was awake during the procedure that the docs would talk about personal things.? That seems weird.

    actually, it was really nice to have my mind focusing on something OTHER than my c/s for a few mins. ?it was unplanned after a horrible labor experience and i was really really scared. ?it was a good mental break even if only for a few mins. ?i'm sure it helped to calm me down?

  • They were pretty good during the c-section.  I talked to DH mostly, but a little with the anesthetist about his school (my brother is a professer there).

    I had an open appendectomy at 25 weeks I got to stay awake for.  They were talking about the Reds game going into 13 innings.  We talked about the anesthetist being a neighbor, my brother being a doctor, my work, all sorts of things.

  • The election.
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  • They were discussing saving my life, the size of my liver and how to prevent me from bleeding out (putting extra packing at my incision site, etc). Oh and they asked me to try to stop vomitting if possible. I would have been pretty annoyed if they discussed anything else at that point.They did ask me if I wanted my epidural turned up after they took DS out so the conversation could have turned more frivilous after that since I don't remember anything from that point on.
  • I was pretty out of it and I kept asking if he was almost done.  He kept asking me if I had somewhere I needed to be.  I don't really remember much else. 

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  • The team was all about business and talking me through the procedure. I would have freaked out if they were chit chatting about movies or the weather while I was splayed open on the op table.

    But I did overhear one of the assisting Dr's talking to my DH. She said that if she had seen my DH before I arrived in the hospital (she was only assisting , not my regular OB), she would have scheduled the c/s MONTHS ago. He's 6'3" & 230: DS takes after him.


    Momma to three boys: Henry - 4yo Alex - 18mo Jack - born 2/23/12 at 20w due to ruptured uterus (previa and accreta resulting in hysterectomy) He only lived here on Earth for an hour, but he will live in our hearts forever. m/c #1: sept '09, m/c #2: july '10
  • It was the Friday before Memorial Day weekend, so everyone was biitching about being on call/not being on call. It was actually pretty annoying, frankly.
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  • The nurses were going back & forth with my OB about the new office chairs, and how they would have been happier with a raise in salary instead of new chairs...LOL.
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  • During the c/s I was pretty out of it, but I know they kept updating me. I passed out in the middle, but was kind of back when they were stitching me up and I remember my Dr saying "wow, what did you give her?" and the anistesiologist (don't know how to spell that...) was saying that he gave me the same mix of drugs that he lined up for himself during some operation. He told the Dr. that it was pretty heavy and I'd be out for a while. Guess that's what happens when you are screaming and flailing on the operating table because you can feel it. Damn epi didn't work, so they had to give me the good stuff, apparently.

  • My doc is married to a Pediatric Anesthesiologist, they were discussing the politics/drama of his department at Johns Hopkins.

    My Anesthesiologist (Dr. Payne, no lie) was talking with my nurse about her vacation plans.

    I was trying to figure out what the reflections on their surgical masks were and my husband was trying not to pass out.


  • They were talking about Christmas shopping (Dec. 10).

    The anesthoseeolgoist (sp??  whatever. . ) was trying to get my doula to tell him why she though anesthesia/epidurals were bad.  I'm so glad he choose then to have that discussion.

    I kept telling DH - somethings burning!  what's burning?  Did you tell them something's burning - LOL - that would be my flesh being cauterized.  EWWW

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Most of the conversation was about how everyone was so excited to be delivering a surprise baby.  She said I was one of the few patients she's had in the past few years that did not find out the gender and she was thrilled to find out if it's a boy or girl.  There were also a few students so I'm sure there were a few teaching moments when my husband and I were just having a private conversation. 
    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Anesthesiologist was talking to my OB about a party that had been at my OB's house and how he saw some of the pictures and that it got "crazy".  I got concerned. LOL. Then my OB said the reason he was late to surgery was because his gate wouldn't open and he didn't know how to get out of the driveway.

  • imageredstars93:

    The team was all about business and talking me through the procedure. I would have freaked out if they were chit chatting about movies or the weather while I was splayed open on the op table.


    Eh, it didn't bother me. It just reminded me how routine this stuff was to them, which was actually kind of reassuring!

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  • My Dr. talked about her family and her sister getting divorced.
    Natural M/C:@5 wks 7/31/07 Natural M/C:@5 wks 12/27/09 Missed M/C, D&C:@9 wks 06/13/11
  • i have no idea.  the anesthesiologist was holding my left arm (because i wasn't strapped down) but i do not remember a damn thing the dr was saying.  i was in & out of it.
  • they were talking about restaurants. It was making me hungry.
  • At first my tattoos, then my wedding (as it so happened, one of my surg nurses was at my wedding- a friend of my hubby), the lovely photos the anesth. was taking of the blessed event with our camera.  I just had a bare minimum nerve block- I was totally awake the whole time, and gotta say, if not for the unholy "pressure", would have had a all-around delightful time...
  • I was laughing the whole time so the dr. was making jokes and asked the anesthesiologist if he piped in laughing gas.
  • I do not remember anything about what they were talking about.  I do remember they turned on music.  I actually knew the anesthesiologist, so I think I tried to focus more on her (I was a mess, shaking uncontrollably and just crying, so this helped) and what I was "feeling", like the tugging and such, also, she would describe to me what was going on.  I was a wreck and having someone I knew (even though it wasn't that well) was like having a good friend in there, I swear she was my saving grace after DH left with DS.  The epidural started wearing off and I was in a good deal of pain, it was scary, but better with her there.  Apparently, I never talked about what had happened with DH after he left, because months later we were talking with someone about my c/s and he had no clue. 
    Sisters:  Now and then.


    Elijah's 1st day of Kindergarten!
  • I honestly have no idea.  I was very focused on the IV they were trying to get in my arm.  I kept popping my IV and in my very confused state I thought I needed the IV to get my pain meds (I didn't I had an epi).  I couldn't hear anything else.  The only other things I remember about the actual section was shaking uncontrolably and being cold.  I carried ds in my arms out of the operating room, but I don't even remember that, DH had to show me a picture of it as proof.  I thought I didn't get to see ds for an hour after his birth.
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  • They were making bets on how big my baby was.. I tried pushing for three hours before going in to surgery. The doctor that assisted asked my doc what the reason for the c section was and my doc said " I think it is just a case of BAB". My DH asked wht B.A.B. was and he said "big ass_baby"! Sure enough, she weighed 10lbs 7oz!
  • just usual small talk.  i'd pipe up if i had anything to add.  the anesthesiologist kept on talking to me, he was worried i'd get sick again (almost as soon as the spinal block went in i got nauseous, i don't react well to drugs) and he had to siphon out some vomit.  they'd put in the anti-nausea meds and i was fine.  he kept poking me and saying "do you feel that".  i generally thought he just liked messing with me.  he was kind of a joker that way, or that was my impression.  the nurses kept hollering over to me and telling me what the baby was doing and complimenting her.  the assistant surgeon was complimenting my OB on her stitch work (and everyone at the hospital that checked my incision went on and on how nice it looked)

  • I was telling them how she better be a girl since I had bought like $400 worth of clothes on  sale and the room was all done in pink

    He pulled the baby out and said "Its a boy!"

    I said REALLY?! and he said no Im just kidding.

    You did give birth to a toddler though, but a REALLY cute one!, she was 9lbs 15oz

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  • I do remember after they took the baby to get cleaned off and the Dr's left, the nurses where pushing on my belly

    like with all there weight.

    I just sat there for like 2-3 pushes (which hurt since I was starting to feel again) then I said, umm can I ask what the hell you guys are doing?

    They said they were trying to get all of the blood out of me? I dont know


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  • About 2 min into my surgery, my OB asked me if I worked out.  I was really confused, as it seemed very innocuous, and said " I try to". She then said, "You have really great abs".

    It took me a minute to realize that she was looking at my abs. Inside my body. That she just cut open. I didn't hear much after that because I was concentrating on not barfing. 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

  • My OB was talking about the Vegas trip he just went on LOL
  • I honestly don't remember.  I may have zoned out for a bit--I lost a lot of blood.  I remember conversations before and at the end, but not much after DH and DD left the room.  At the beginning, they were laughing about DD making my belly wiggle so much.
  • I have no idea.  I would guess they weren't talking much during the actual procedure b/c (despite being completely freaked out) I have a vivid memory of it.  The only thing I remember them saying was "We've got a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed one here" as they pulled her out.  After that, I was so focused on her, they could have been talking about anything and I wouldn't have noticed.
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  • I know that my OB and the other Dr who was assisting him were talking but I couldnt hear a word they were saying, which actually was pissing me off because I specifically asked for them to talk to me during the proceedure.  Well someone nicked my bladder and they had already started to close me up when they realized I was bleeding internally.  They kept quiet about what was going on so that DH and I didn't freak the - F- out.  Everything turned out fine though.  I lost a lot of blood but not enough to need a transfusion or anything. 
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  • imageStellasmom:

    The team was all about business and talking me through the procedure. I would have freaked out if they were chit chatting about movies or the weather while I was splayed open on the op table.


    Eh, it didn't bother me. It just reminded me how routine this stuff was to them, which was actually kind of reassuring!


    This. I was very reassured by their chit-chat, which was about vacations and who went where. Right before they started the surgery, my OB said to the L&D Nurse: "This looks great, did you do it?" about my BIKINI WAX. I didn't know if I should be appalled or flattered.

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