Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Freaky TOooosDaaai

Your anniversary is tomorrow? So is mine.

Your daughter was born on Feb 27th right? So was mine.


Re: Freaky TOooosDaaai

  • ::: develops theory that lanie is ToosDai's AE or vice versa and proceeds to PM it to my FB BFF's AE's BFF's PM BFF :::
  • Shut up, Lanie. Really? That is wayyyyyyyy freaky. It's like you are the bizarro Toosdai or would it be that I'm the bizarro Lanie?

    Your birthday better not be December 10th or I am going to pass out.

  • Loading the player...
  • It IS december 10th!

    No It's not. It's february 1st.

    But the other 2? Yup. Married June 9th 2007, and Jo was born February 27th 2008.


  • haha - We were married in 2006.

    LOL @ Larks, this could have been the most elaborate AE setup ever.


  • imagegoodtobethelarkster:
    ::: develops theory that lanie is ToosDai's AE or vice versa and proceeds to PM it to my FB BFF's AE's BFF's PM BFF :::

    Lanie must be Toosdai's weird Canadian AE. That's too bad, cuz that Jo sure is cute!

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