Babies: 9 - 12 Months

why they had the reception where they did...

In regards to my post about the reception at Teamsters.

I know it is kind of trashy and my friend does too.  Her dh is a union member so they got to use the hall for free.  They were married at the courthouse so I guess this was really more of a party than a reception - she just wore a wedding dress.

They are trying to save as much money as possible so not having to pay for the hall was worth it to them.  If it redeems them at all, they did have an open bar.

Re: why they had the reception where they did...

  • and is this the same one where her now DH hit her the week before? 
  • I think I made the comment about where they had their wedding.  I'm sorry.  Honestly, anyone who decides to buy a garter of a bride he doesn't know in order to smell it is the person with the problem.  The bride made one questionable decision, this man has probably made a lifetime of them.  I hope they had a great time at their wedding!  (oh, and again make sure this story doesn't get back to the bride!)
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  • yes....I know, you don't have to say anything.

    I told her I would be there for her no matter what so I went to the reception.  It was very tense.

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