I saw a guy in the grocery store with a shirt that said "I like lipstick on my dipstick"
Seriously? Am I just being a prude or do people really think it's acceptable to wear something like that?
I'm glad my 4 year old doesn't know how to read yet...I'd hate to have to explain that one!
Re: who wears this kind of thing?
You're not alone. That's just trashy.
DH once saw a onesie on a kid that said "If it has tires or tits, it must be trouble". Nice.
Yuck! I consider myself pretty easy-going when it comes to jokes, but
A: Who owns a shirt like that?
And B: Who would WEAR IT IN PUBLIC!!!!
Not just unacceptable but dumb. What a tool. If your gonna be profane at least try to include funny in it.
I saw a puerto vallarta t shirt at the Chinese buffet the other day that was sketches of topless women, one on the front pocket, five rows on the back - discussing boob size.
If I had had my kid, I would have said something to him. But I was there with my coworkers so I did not.
Big brother and sister are excited to meet the new baby! It's a GIRL!
~ G ~ 10/2008
~ E ~ 7/2010