I've been having really sore breasts lately, pms time and during menstrual time. Uggh, I soooo dread going to the obgyn and going to get another mammogram. After so many IVFs, I just want a break, KWIM!!!???? I just hope it's nothing serious and hopefully just hormone changes. I just want to cry and get it out sometimes. I'm soo sick of Drs, especially when none of them were able to help me...
Any insight appreciated....
Re: N adoption related: i think i'm pre-menopausal at 42
Why would sore breasts indicate perimenopause? I get them most cycles, and while I'm now 40, I'm really waiting for the hot flashes and mood swings
Sounds to me like hormone changes, and nothing to worry about.
You can always get a u/s before you get a mammogram, or both at the same time. Do you feel masses or just tenderness?
See a dr you trust, and get a reference to a breast specialist and/or surgeon if you need to. It's the best thing I ever did
Dr L, chronic fibrocystic change sufferer
i feel pain just behind my breasts and also my back. i've never had such pains. i'm thinking hormonal changes, too. thanks for the suggestion Dr L. i'll be seeing my ob/gyn to start off with and go from there. sometimes, i'm just in so much pain i could cry
mine's never been that bad, but it's been bad. Hopefully it's something they can help you with. Good luck.