We've been talking about doing one ever since I got pg, but still don't have one. We've contacted our lawyer and he told us the things we need to decide. We're stuck on who would be DS's guardian. It is so hard to decide and since we're still unsure we don't have a will yet.
Yes, we have a will and DPOA (durable power of attorney) forms for both of us. We also have a trust set up.
We saw a lawyer about it before I delivered Charlie.
I just had to call him this a.m. to change the guardian for Charlie
And we have a will because I think it is SO important to have guardianship established, along with financial items etc listed out specifically for your children. If anything happened to you or both of you, it would have to go through the court system, and this avoids probate and all that other nonsense.
The DPOA is important, because I want my H and others to know my wishes if something were to happen to me.
We finally made one. We have been meaning to make one since DD was born but majorly procrastinated. DH and I are both in law enforcement so at any given time, anything can happen. We finally made one and feel great about it. If anything happens to us, my brother and his wife will have guardianship of our children. He will be 26 this year but is mature beyond words and would raise our kids the way we would wish him to. Oh, and we went though a lawyer. Pricey but worth it plus we made a trust for our "estate" and things.
we made a will and POA right after DS was born. We just did one on the internet. The main thing was to establish guardianship for our son. He is already the beneficiary on our life insurance if both of us die. Other than that, we have negative money (which goes to zero if we die), and no other assets. If you have stuff, then I think you need a lawyer.
We don't yet, but we have been talking about this and we plan to get life insurance for both of us, as well as a will drafted in the very near future. MH works at a law firm, so we'll have one of his attys do the will for us. My sister would end up with legal guardianship and raise James, and H's best friend would be a financial executor in the case of BOTH of us not being here.
I really started thinking hard about this b/c I follow the blogs of Matt Logelin and a former knottie whose hubby was suddenly killed in a plane crash when she was 7 mos pg with #2... along with other stories I hear, it really made me realize we need to have a plan in place to take care of James both financially and physically if anything horrible should happen.
We had a will for just the two of us, but then had another one drafted shortly after DD was born. We want to make sure everything and everyone is taken care of should something happen to both of us. It covers every aspect of DD and our two dogs. We had our attorney draft it.
Re: S/O Post: Do you have a will?
Yes, we have a will and DPOA (durable power of attorney) forms for both of us. We also have a trust set up.
We saw a lawyer about it before I delivered Charlie.
I just had to call him this a.m. to change the guardian for Charlie
And we have a will because I think it is SO important to have guardianship established, along with financial items etc listed out specifically for your children. If anything happened to you or both of you, it would have to go through the court system, and this avoids probate and all that other nonsense.
The DPOA is important, because I want my H and others to know my wishes if something were to happen to me.
Same here. It's tough to decide; then they have to agree to it. =/
I would def not do it on the internet if you want to avoid all state loopholes and make it secure. We saw a lawyer.
We have wills, durable power attny, living wills, power of guardianship and trust. It was a package deal.
Get an attny in your state.
We don't yet, but we have been talking about this and we plan to get life insurance for both of us, as well as a will drafted in the very near future. MH works at a law firm, so we'll have one of his attys do the will for us. My sister would end up with legal guardianship and raise James, and H's best friend would be a financial executor in the case of BOTH of us not being here.
I really started thinking hard about this b/c I follow the blogs of Matt Logelin and a former knottie whose hubby was suddenly killed in a plane crash when she was 7 mos pg with #2... along with other stories I hear, it really made me realize we need to have a plan in place to take care of James both financially and physically if anything horrible should happen.