My Pedi said it's a soothing thing....sounds odd if you ask me, because she pulls hard! So much so she has created a big bald spot on her used to be thick head of hair. Sometimes her little hair follicles are even red from being yanked at.
I have tried head bands, bows, socks/mittens on her hands. I am running out of ideas. She is pulling all her beautiful hair out!!! Anyone else's LO do this? Do I just have to let it run its course? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you soo much!
Re: HELP - DD Won't Stop Pulling Out Her Hair
DD was doing this the other night. Not pulling hair out but pulling non the less. It was when I was rocking her before bedtime.
I'd get a 2nd opinion though if she is pulling the hair OUT. That doesn't seem right.
This article was interesting.