who has never felt bad if my DH is tired or worried about him waking at night? I know its different because I am back at work now but even on maternity leave, i definitely did more at night but he still got up all the time.
Until she started STTN, I think he got up more than me at night.
Why all these ladies who feel bad if their DH sleeps at night? Even women who stay home and DHs who work. I think it is harder and takes more energy to be home with the LO all day then be at work.
Re: am i the only one?
To me as long as there is balance it doesn't bother me. DH & I try to be fare when it comes to the burden of our daughter. So if he had been getting up a lot with her or if he was really tired because he had a paticularly difficult day(he does manual labor) I would let him get his sleep & I'd get up with her.
When I was home with her I'd always get up w/ her. I could always nap during the day with her I was too tired. He didn't have that option. Now that I'm back at work it's more of a 50/50 split.