Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Good deals on Maclaren Volo?

Hey there, ladies -- I posted asking about strollers over the weekend and got some great feedback (thanks)!  After doing some test drives at BRU, I think we've settled on the Maclaren Volo.  Someone mentioned in my OP that she found it for $64 -- much lower than I've seen!  Does anyone have recommendations for locations with good prices they've found?  Online or in the MD/DC/VA area would be great.  Thanks so much!!


Re: Good deals on Maclaren Volo?

  • Do you have a TJ maxx near you? I would suggest checking there...I've seen the Volo multiple times at the store near me! I think they get new shipments in on Tuesdays.

  • Really???  I never even thought to go there!  I'll check it out -- thanks!
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