so, I've been complaining that I hadn't has a pp period yet and I started Provera last week. On Friday between 5 and 10 am I went through 7 super absorbancy tampons. I finally called the doctor and they said it wasn't a big deal and that there was just a lot of blood since I hadn't had a period for so long. She advised me to take 600 mg of motrin to make the bleeding slow down.
That helped a little bit but I still was bleeding really bad. I ended up using a diaper that I had in my purse and I still soaked it. I was out shopping with my mom and I almost passed out so she brought me to the er.
They didn't do much. They considered doing a d&c but figured it wasn't really needed since most of the blood was gone. They gave me more motrin and told me to get on some iron supplements. I waited there until the bleeding slowed down. Saturday was a lot better and as long as I've been keeping up with the Motrin the bleeding hasn't been too bad.
I was so out of it I thought I was going to bleed to death! I wanted to get my period but not like that.
Sorry, I know that's gross but I felt a need to share since I was so scared and it can happen to anyone...I guess that goes along the lines of me sharing too much.
Re: very TMI post - had to go to the ER on Friday
Oh, this totally freaks me out. I just got my first pp period this morning.
Glad you are feeling better!
DD #1 passed away in January 2011 at 14 days old due to congenital heart disease
DD#2 lost in January 2012 at 23 weeks due to anhydramnios caused by a placental abruption
she said it was that heavy since it had been so long since I've had a period. I was worried but she told me that if it got any worse or the motrin didn't help to come in.
This!! For real, doesn't it say something like this on the box/package? Call the doc if it's more than 'blank' in an hour? I'm so glad your better now at least. Scary for me to think about since I have basically been pregs for 2 years! I only had 2 periods (i think) before I got pregs again and they were bad. I can't imagine having one like that!
OMG! That happened to me too! I had 5 or 6 totally reg pp periods and then on the 7th one I was finishing it up and I thoguth I was at the end of it and then it was the heaviest flow I have ever had. It really started scaring me. I was going though a super tampon and an overnight maxi every 2-3 hours, and I was clotting a lot too. IT was awful and my full period ended up lasting 14 days. I felt so weak and dizzy and it finally stopped.
The next time I got my period I went to my sister who is an acupuncturist and she put these acupressure beads on certain parts of my ear to stop the clotting and it worked, so from then on out I had a normal flow period, thank god!?I couldnt handle 2 full weeks of my period again!