Just wondering what others do
After our routine, I nurse her which usually makes her really drowsy. We lay her down in her crib, but stay with her while she gets comfortable. She usually rolls onto her side and is out within 5 minutes. No tears. This is new, and I'm loving it!
Re: Poll: How does your LO go to sleep at night?
Bath, massage, jammies, story, bottle (during stories), in bed awake. CD and white noise on, snuggies and kisses.
We put the girls to be together.
jammies, bottle, books, bed. we put him down, he scrunches his little body up and closes his eyes, thumb in mouth. We leave, he is out in minutes.
We are so lucky and I credit the baby whisperer! He had done this since about 3 months.
DD #1 passed away in January 2011 at 14 days old due to congenital heart disease
DD#2 lost in January 2012 at 23 weeks due to anhydramnios caused by a placental abruption
Bath (every other night), lullaby CD on, diaper, lotion, pjs, bottle and stories at same time, turn off light at end of bottle, snuggle/kisses and then into bed. Turn off the CD and the ocean sound machine stays on.
Sometimes he goes right to sleep, sometimes he'll play for a bit and everyonce in awhile he fusses/cries as I leave the room--but settles within a couple minutes.
Same, nurse, lay him down, stay for a few minutes and he's out.