I think DD officially has consitpation. Shes never had problems with her BMs, so I don't know what to do/give her. Her BMs the last few days arent hard per se...they can still get mushed up, but they are coming out in like a mushy ball. TMI, sorry. But I think thats consitpation, no? Also, she goes every day like clockwork. Sometimes even twice. She didnt go for 2 days straight and this morning there was just a sad mushy ball that came out.
She on 3 meals a day now. I did give her some prunes with her oatmeal this morning and I try to give her pears everyday.
Here are my questions:
1) what can i do to help alleviate her constipation? anything I can give her? My mom suggests to stop solids for a day or so to "clean her system". What do you think?
2) Could constipation bec a cause for her crankiness and lack of sleeping? She usually goes to bed like clock work at 7-7:30pm. She fell asleep last night at 7 on the dot and 20 min later she woke up and didnt go back to sleep until 9:30! She sounded uncomfortable, but nothing was wrong with her.
Re: Need advice on consitpation - BM experts, please come in!
Just keep giving her the prunes until she gets more normal and then slowly back off, I think it takes time for them to adjust to all the solids. I also offer a little bit of water with her solids to help keep things more moist if you know what I mean. I try to watch her rice cereal or grain intake, if she has a breakfast that is pretty thick with granola or oatmeal I will give her less rice cereal at her other meals.
You know how bad your tummy hurts if you are having BM issues, so that is probably why she had such trouble sleeping.
Kylie 10/21/08
Twin Ectopic - lost left tube 12/29/10
Surprise BFP EDD 8/21/13
Not sure if that's constipation or just her poo changing more into adult-like poo. When J is constipated, he strains a lot and gets red-faced and upset. Does she act like she's pushing hard but not going?
Juice always works wonders for us when he is having problems. He just gets 2 oz of apple juice with 2 oz of water.
Good luck!
Constipation is usually hard pellets or small little balls that are hard.
Mushy poop sounds like his is just firming up. Nothing wrong with that. Just means less mess for you. lol
Give him some prunes or like PP said, 2oz water & 2 oz juice.
DS poos have become more adult like. He still has the occasional all over the place mess, but more often than not his look more like an adult poo. He gets plenty of water/formula so I'm not worried. Especially since he's regular with his movements.
Constipation would be more when they're really straining to get it out and they aren't having a BM every day.
Could the crankiness be related to teething. I know DS has been cranky with his teeth coming in and the other night he had sleep issues because his top tooth was trying to break through.
I am the queen of pooping problems for my 3 year old but my 8 month DD has been consitpated too. It doesn't sound like your DD is - sounds just like the consistency of poop wants solids are involved. I agree with the other posters that she should be straining. But I do concur that sleeping issues can be due to a sore belly.
My DD has only been constipated once but it was bad. Our ped recommended giving her 1 tbsp of table sugar into her bottle. She's breastfed but I gave her a bottle and it worked like a charm. I also fed her pears (which helped). Prunes didn't do much.