Oh Jamie, let us teach you the ways! There are hidden coupons, usually up to and including $70 off a $100 purchase. My competetive nature has me here and not upstairs with my family
OMG, too funny. THAT is what all this fuss is about!? I thought for SURE it was some kind of giveaway. I didn't realize ON was so popular. I'm going to have to go there one day and check it out.
Re: What are you waiting for?
omg i feel like this is the mom version of waiting for u2 tickets to go on sale.
i need to get into this.
so you just load your virtual shopping cart up with stuff then wait untill 3am or whenever they update to check out? and get ridiculous savings?
No, if you find a coupon you just print it or send it to your email account. The coupons are for in-store purchases, and you have 1 week to use them