sorry I didn't see this post! No I just can't spell you can see how long I have been on the nest I was just too lazy to change it. Any more questions? Anything else inquiring minds would like to know? Sorry that it bugs you to keep seeing it maybe you can just ignore my posts oh wait they don't do that anymore oh well.
sorry I didn't see this post! No I just can't spell you can see how long I have been on the nest I was just too lazy to change it. Any more questions? Anything else inquiring minds would like to know? Sorry that it bugs you to keep seeing it maybe you can just ignore my posts oh wait they don't do that anymore oh well.
Thanks for responding. For all I know, it could have been some code word or something.
I've never noticed that before, I always read it as sweet. Funny. I guess I can scratch 'Editor' and 'Proofreader' off of my list of potential careers. Oh well.
Re: ***jade_sweatpea***
THANK YOU for asking this.
it drives me crazy to read "sweat"pea.
My lupus Birth Story
Thanks for responding. For all I know, it could have been some code word or something.
Again, thanks for clearing it up.
My lupus Birth Story