
If your DC had/has reflux...

DS is one month and has been a very easy baby.  He spits up an excessive amount but I did not think anything of it because he has always been so content and is gaining weight.  Yesterday he was up pretty much all day (very atypical for him) but was easygoing.  I figured he would just sleep last night.  Wrong.  He would only sleep on my husband or myself (again very atypical) and then woke up today extremely fussy.  I took him to  the pedi to rule out any illness and he diagnosed him with reflux (based on symptoms I described and the noises he heard him make in the office) and put him on Zantac.  Anyone else have a baby whose reflux did not become bothersome until the one month point or beyond?  Also, did the meds lead to improved sleeping and disposition?  If so, about how long until the meds made a difference?  Please share any experiences.  Thanks!

Re: If your DC had/has reflux...

  • I could have written the same thing about DD1 when she was about a month and a half old.  The Zantac turned her into a completely different baby.  She was a wonderful sleeper from that point on and never had an issues.  We weaned her off the meds around 6 months old.

    I'm wondering if DD2 has reflux as well.  She just started being ultra fussy at 4 weeks and seems to be in pain and makes the gurguling sounds as well.  Her apt isn't til next week though.

  • Miles was about 4 weeks old when the reflux really started kicking in. From birth, he had been spitting up, but around a month is when we noticed him choking on his spitup and gurgling at night.  He also started having pain with the spitting up around then also.  We started him out on Zantac and Mylanta and then eventually put him on Prevacid.  The Prevacid has been great.  He still spits up a TON, but he doesn't have any pain associated with the reflux.


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  • for us it started pretty much at birth but pedi wouldn't diagnose it because she was so healthy and gianing weight. She didn't spit up so she's a "silent spitter." She's on Zantac now and much happier but still has bad days. The only way I knew she had it was because she girgles so much and screamed and arched her back ALL DAY LONG. We were miserable and so was she. If I hadn't done my own research she would probably still be undiagnosed.
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