
Moms with two

I am home for the summer with my two and a half year old and my newborn.  I was wondering what schedule  you have for your DC.  DD is out of daycare for the summer and I want her to still be active but I don't know what is reasonable and what isn't. 

Dh went back to work today so I am a bit freaked out..

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Max born July 25


Big sisters Alex and Layla


Re: Moms with two

  • I have a 2 year old and an 8 wk old.  We have an activity out of the house every morning except Wed (playgroup, music class, etc).  Then we are home for Kate's lunch and nap, and afternoons are more casual.  Sometimes we meet friends at the park, stay home and just walk the dog, do an art project if it is raining, etc.  Ben just gets lugged along on Kate's schedule--he sleeps in the carseat or sling when he needs to, nurses, etc. 
  • We do something (park, see the llamas, playdate) every other day or so. The rest of the time it's just stuff around the house and yard.

    I couldn't maintain the schedule that some people on here have. I didn't work that hard when I was working!!!

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

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