DH planned a huge surprise party for his best friend on Saturday. We found out last week that his friend's girlfriend's great grandmother was sick. They both left and after a few days of desperately trying to get ahold of her with no luck, DH and I decided to hold off on buying stuff for the party. We were starting to get really worried and she finally told her boyfriend to tell DH she was in roaming and didn't want to pay the extra money so she would talk to me later....
....long story short...she called me this morning to tell me her Great grandma ended up dying and they are going to have to go south for the funeral. She told me her brother was beeping in to tell her when the funeral was so we could let everyone know whether the party is still on or not.
I really don't want to sound cold and I know grief is always hard....but DH and I don't know what to do. How long should I wait to call her?
Re: How long should I wait?
I called this afternoon and left a message. I feel really bad.