
Did anyone see Kate's bro and SIL on "The Early Show

Maybe it's just me, but I think the SIL came across as a "greater than thou" biotch!!  Why did she feel the need to criticize her own family on national television?  As if that family isn't going through enough!  I know a lot of it is bought on by themselves, but still.  Come on people..

Re: Did anyone see Kate's bro and SIL on "The Early Show

  • No, but I was wondering about them during the episode on Monday night.  I will have to look on youtube.  Did they criticize Jon or Kate?
  • I think the Kate's brother and SIL totally threw them under the bus.  They said that they were consumed with the fame and weren't thinking about the kids.  I don't even watch the show, so I am no expert.  From what I hear in the media, Katie can be a real peach.  That still does not justify her family bad mouthing her on TV.  In my opinion, it puts them on the same level.
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  • I didn't see them on the Early Show but I did see a segment on E! that they did last week and I think the reason that they are speaking out is b/c they feel jipped. Jodi would take all the kids (at least 7 at a time most times) so that Jon and Kate could do things with just one kid and/or alone with each other. And then TLC offered Jodi money  b/c she was watching the kids while Jon and Kate did taping and Kate FLIPPED out b/c she didn't want anyone making money off of her children and she wanted people to want to do things/be with her kids b/c they loved them and not for the money.

    I think that really hurt Jodi and Kevin that they were already doing so much for them for free and then TLC offered them money (Which they didn't ASK for and it would have been nice to get something for everything they were doing--- it's hard with my 3 kids alone; I couldn't imagine taking on 7 more liek she would do....she has 2 or 3 of her own as well). So I think that is their main issue- that and they really do have a love for the children- which in my opinion RADIATES from the episodes in which you see Jodi with the kids.

  • Say what you want about J&K but I think if the brother and SIL really loved those kids then they wouldn't bad mouth their parents on national TV.?
  • The whole back-story is here on Jodi's sister's blog:
  • Thanks for the link, I just watched it
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