Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Missing so much cuteness :(

DD is in France with the ILs and of course DH.  I am stuck working between NL/GE until Friday :( So I call DH and he tell me the following:

- DD has been blowing kisses to everyone

- Has a new game where they say "Dalia take a nap" and she put her head in DH's lap and closes her eyes for ten seconds before waking up.

- If you say Bravo to her she starts clapping and laughing

- And she has gone from taking three independant steps at a time to five.  I will be so sad if she really starts walking while I am away.

I am so sad.  When I call I hear her playing happily in the background and I really miss her.  How on earth am I going to make it through all of my business trips..

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