Babies: 9 - 12 Months

anyone heard anything bad about chlorine in pools being bad for infants?

we are starting swimming lessons this weekend and thw two ladies who I mentioned it to told me that they didn't reccommend it because the chlorine isn't good for their skin.

I plan to call pedi and ask what he thinks of course.

Re: anyone heard anything bad about chlorine in pools being bad for infants?

  • DD loves the pool. She's like a fish. She take swimming lessons every week.

    Never heard anything like that. 

    It's not like they are going to drink the whole pool. 

  • I am all about starting kids early in the pool. We have been taking DS to swim lessons for the past 3 weeks. He goes under twice at each lesson, and he loves it. He is blowing bubbles, reaching and pulling for the ball, and overall just doing really well.

    I think the benefits outweigh the risks in this situation.  My Dad is a derm. and he has never said anything about the chlorine on his skin.  It's more the ingesting of it, I think, but even then, it's in such tiny amounts :o)

    Have fun! Getting into the pool with your LO is really fun.

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  • I wouldn't say that the chlorine is GOOD for them, but unless the baby is in the pool all day long or is drinking the water, I would enjoy the swimming lessons.
  • misjennmisjenn member
    Chlorine can and is hard on sensitive skin. With this being said my DD has VERY VERY sensitive skin (I can't even put on an unwashed shirt without a rash) and she swims in our pool ALL.THE.TIME. Depending on where your swim classes are it may be a salt water pool We took lessons in a salt water pool and no issues with that either.
  • Some people will say to wait until 6 months for the pool.  And some places won't give lessons for a baby younger than 6 months.  I think that as long as you aren't letting your LO swim for hours at a time, then it's fine.  We are going on vacation in two weeks.  The house we rented has a pool, and I intend on having DS in the pool every day.

  • Our pedi said she would be fine for swim lessons. We did 8 - 45min classes & never had a problem. It was at the YMCA, which had lots of clorine.

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