Babies: 9 - 12 Months

HELP! Divorce advice needed

So I posted last week about my sister & her H. ?It's over. ?She just called & said she found out he's been cheating with two women. ?He wants to leave her for another woman. ?And he's been pushing her away hoping SHE would leave so basically he could do well in the divorce crap & look like the angel to the rest of the family and that she was the one to leave.?

I told her to print off bank account information, like how much money is currently in there, etc. ?I really don't know what else to tell her. ?She's a SAHM, and he makes good $$. ?He got so mad when she found out... he left and said she's not getting anything. ?What other advice do you have? ?She said she doesn't even know where to begin. ?She doesn't have any money because I guess he's been moving money all this week from their accounts. ?She doesn't have money for a lawyer, and well... we don't have the extra money either, because we're on a tight budget so I can SAH with my DS. ?Any advice at all is appreciated.?

Re: HELP! Divorce advice needed

  • She should hire a forensic accountant.  They get an accurate picture of where they stand financially, regardless of his (spineless) moving of the money.


    Good luck to her.

  • Nice...what a prize he is.
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  • I was a SAHM when I got divorced as well.  My ex also moved all the money into a different account so I couldn't get to it.

     My ex had to pay for my retainer fee for my lawyer.  It isn't HIS money.  It is money of the marriage.  He will also have to bring in bank accounts when they meet with their lawyers together and her lawyer will make sure she gets 50/50.  Even though she wasn't earning any money, she made it so that HE was able to make the money he did.  She is entitled to 1/2.

     I am on my way out the door, but can give you more advice on this after I get home..probably taking a half day since DS is sick.

     Hope that helps.


  • What a jerkface.
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  • She needs all financial records, not just bank accounts. Have her get the past years worth of credit card statements, mortgage statements, a copy of her filed tax return. Right now, she can go to her local family court and for a small fee, file a custody hearing. This will set up temporary custody of the child and child support payments. Also, if he left the house with her in it, the courts will almost always give it to the person who remained.

     ETA: post this on Trouble in Paradise on the Nest boards. Those women have been there done that and can offer more advice than I can.

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